Young Bristol Partnership

Photo credit: Young Bristol

In March 2014 Brunel’s SS Great Britain and Young Bristol entered an incredible partnership. Young Bristol agreed to find and train young disadvantaged people in roped activities and prepare them for a course on the new SS Great Britain high ropes experience, Go Aloft!

The young people would then be trained for up to 5 days to become qualified high ropes instructors and complete a site specific qualification provided be ERCA (European Ropes Course Association).

These trainees would then be employed and supported by Young Bristol to be deployed onto the SS Great Britain and run the Go Aloft! experience under guidance from an SSGB manager.

Go Aloft! closed during the pandemic but since reopening in May 2022, the partnership has continued and this year Young Bristol have employed another 11 young people from our Outdoor Employment Programme onto the Go Aloft! programme.

Go Aloft!

Do you dare climb the rigging of the SS Great Britain?
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