Winter Wardian Cases

10 December 2024


10 December 2024


Interpretation Manager Natalie Fey gives us an update on some surprising finds in the orchid Wardian cases.

Our plants on board have been up on the top deck in their Wardian cases over the winter months. Interpretation Manager, Natalie Fey gives us an update on some surprising finds in the orchid Wardian cases.

11th October 2024

Made a very exciting discovery today in the INBOUND orchid case, which displays orchid types typically found in Australia and the surrounding countries. The Dendrochilum latifolium var macranthum or ‘Chain Orchid’ has started to flower there are around five of these particular orchids in the case and all are starting to bloom in quick succession.

The hydrometer within the case is reading a temperature of 15°C and a humidity of 80%. This is such an exciting development now that we are moving into the autumn and winter months that these orchids are only just starting to wake up!

12th November 2024

A second orchid species the Dendrobium ellen, a hybrid species of the Dendrobium kingianum (Pink Rock Orchid), which is one of the few historical species we know was carried on board SSGB back to Britian has also started to flower! There seems to be a bit of a chain reaction brewing in the case as we also have a third species that looks like it will flower in the next week or so…watch this space! The hydrometer temperature reading is 9° C and humidity is 79%.

19th November 2024

The third orchid species, Dendrochilum cobbianum has also now flowered! All three species seem to be co-inhabiting the case very happily and the scent from the chain orchid is incredible! Has a wonderful spicy note, which is perfect for this time of year and the festivities that accompany it. Hydrometer temp is still reading 9°C and humidity is 72%.

The cases do seem to be incredibly effective in maintaining an agreeable and stable environment in which to help the different species thrive, whilst also protecting them from the worst of the continually changing weather conditions.

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